Saint Teresa
Teresa of Jesus was born in Ávila, where she spent most of her life, started the Carmel reform, wrote The Book of her Life, The Way of Perfection and finished The Interior Castle. In Alba de Tormes, she founded her eighth convent (1571), where she returned in 1582, seriously ill, to end her journey on the Earth.
This route links these two essential places through different Teresian locations:
- Gotarrendura, where she lived during her childhood.
- Fontiveros, where Saint John of the Cross was born.
- Duruelo, where the reform of the Carmelite friars started, following Teresa’s advice.
- Mancera de Abajo, where the first foundation from Duruelo was moved.
“It's time to walk"
Teresa ofJesus

By walking through this route, we invite you to admire the landscapes where Teresa and John lived their lives.
The Book of the Foundations, written by Saint Teresa, offers a good guide to take on your walk.
The Way of Perfection, and The Book of her Life, will help you to find your own interior path.