On this page you will find a map of the route. The path from Ávila passes through Narrillos de San Leonardo, Cardeñosa, Peñalba, Gotarrendura, El Oso, Papatrigo, Narros de Saldueña, Collado de Contreras, Fontiveros, Rivilla de Barajas, Narros del Castillo and Duruelo, to Mancera de Abajo. In Mancera, the route splits in two, North and South, to Alba de Tormes.
South Route
From Mancera de Abajo, passing through Macotera, Tordillos, La Lurda and Garcihernández, to Alba de Tormes.
107 km
North Route
From Mancera de Abajo to Alba passing through Bóveda del Río Almar, Peñaranda de Bracamonte, Nava de Sotrobal, Coca de Alba, Peñarandilla and Garcihernández.
Sign Posts
Directions to Ávila or Alba de Tormes
Located on the walls of the streets. Arrows indicate the way to follow.
Located everywhere along the route, they will guide you to the path